Prof. Dr. Andreas Schrell

Prof. (hon.), Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Biol.
German Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney

European Trademark and Design
Honorary Professor at the University of Stuttgart

Phone: +49 711 99 3 11-130
Fax: +49 711 99 3 11-200


Patent prosecution, opposition, appeal, nullity and appeal proceedings, in particular in the areas of life science, medicine, medical and laboratory devices, food and general chemistry. In addition, he is active in the areas of electro- and catalyst chemistry.

Patent litigation, in particular in the areas of life science, medicine, medical devices, food and chemistry.

Opinions on patent infringement (including white space mapping, freedom-to-operate (FTO) and patentability).

Strategic Patenting, Due Diligence, counselling, in particular in M&A business, in particular asset deals and company acquisition.


Andreas Schrell has focused in patent litigation and prosecution since 1991, including: biotechnology, medicine, medical and laboratory devices, life science, food technology and chemistry.

He frequently lectures on both a national and international level, on a wide range of current IP topics. Andreas Schrell represents clients before the EPO (European Patent Office), the GPTO (German Patent and Trademark Office), the German Federal Patent Court and various district courts.

His clients consist primarily of middle to large German and international companies as well as research organizations that operate on a global scale. His clients specialize in fields such as food technology, biotechnology, pharmacy, (bio) medical engineering, laboratory equipment, tissue engineering and electro- and catalyst chemistry.

His focus is to represent clients in litigious opposition and appeal proceedings, both before the European Patent Office and the German Federal Patent Court. In numerous offensive and defensive opposition and appeal proceedings, he represented one of the world’s largest sugar companies in cases related to sugar, sugar substitutes and catalysts. He regularly protects in offensive opposition and appeal cases the rights of one of the world’s largest nutrition companies in the areas of milk-based products and allergy, as well as of a multinational, global life science company in the areas of DHA and biotechnology. In addition, he represents a large patent portfolio of one of Germany’s leading research organizations. More than 20 teams of intensive experiences in the above litigious fields have proven to be of value, not only for litigious patent proceedings but also for associated IP areas.

Andreas Schrell also specializes in patent litigation disputes in the food and biotech field. He was a leading attorney in commercially important cases relating to polyunsaturated fatty acids and cartilage repair.

He also intensely counsels and supports his clients in continuously building up a strategic patent portfolio, thereby paying particular attention to providing a comprehensive and stable protection against unlawful imitation in a cost effective manner. Andreas Schrell understands that protective rights are important, but more commonly, commercial interests are of prevailing importance.

Andreas Schrell has also advised clients in an M&A framework in the management of due diligence processes, in particular in the fields of liver cells, chondrocytes, tissue engineering and high intensity sweeteners, he provided legal opinions for internationally acting companies, in particular relating to medical devices, life science and pharmacology and prepared numerous white space and FTO analyses, inter alia relating to erythropoietin (EPO), growth factors, antibodies, steroid derivatives, stevia, macrolides and DHA. Further, he was appointed as a legal expert in proceedings before the German Federal Patent Court in a case relating to feline AIDS.

Andreas Schrell is an Honorary Professor of Intellectual Property Law at the University of Stuttgart.

He is the author of numerous publications in the field of patenting in general and patenting biotechnological inventions.

Andreas Schrell has been awarded by the „MIP IP Stars 2021“ Rating as „notable practitioner“.


He studied Biology and Industrial Management at the Universities of Giessen and Freiburg in Germany and the University of Sussex in Great Britain. He received his Diploma degree at the Institute for Biochemistry of Plants at the University of Freiburg as well as his Doctorate at the Max-Planck-Institute for Plant Breeding in Cologne, both in the field of molecular genetics, biochemistry and cell biology. He trained in the field of Intellectual Property Law at Vossius & Partner, Munich, spending time at the German Patent and Trademark Office, the German Federal Patent Court and the District Court of Munich.

Admitted to practice

He was admitted both as a German and European Patent Attorney in 1995. Dr. Schrell is certified to represent clients before the German Patent and Trademark Office, Bundessortenamt (Federal Bureau for Protection and National Listing of New Plant Varieties), European Patent Office, EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office), German Federal Patent Court, and the German Federal Supreme Court (nullity suits).


He is a member of: the German Patent Attorneys’ Association, the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (EPI), the Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle (FICPI), the Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Industrielle (AIPPI), the German Association for the Protection of Industrial Property and Copyright Law (GRUR), the German Chemical Society (GDCh) and the Vereinigung von Freunden der Universität Stuttgart.